These are the latest news and projects we have been involved in.

Published in: Murciaplaza
Date: 21/03/2022
We are launching a new European project in e-Health: IRHIS.
Last week, AICRUMIT traveled to Kaunas, Lithuania, to attend the Kick-off Meeting of the new project, IHRIS, focused on developing advanced remote patient care solutions based on Artificial Intelligence.
AicrumIT welcomed the SYMPHONY project partners to Murcia.
This week, the members of AicrumIT hosted the partners of the SYMPHONY project, composed of companies and universities from Canada, Spain, the Netherlands, Sweden, and Turkey, to address various topics on their agenda.
In addition, they had the opportunity to visit the most iconic places in the city and enjoy its gastronomy.
AicrumIT will host the SYMPHONY project partners in Murcia.
Next week, Murcia will be the meeting point for the SYMPHONY Consortium Workshop, where we will welcome our project partners. This meeting is an ideal opportunity to strengthen ties and exchange experiences. SYMPHONY is led by PHILIPS and involves partners from five countries: Canada, the Netherlands, Spain, Sweden, and Turkey.
AicrumIT participates in SYMPHONY, a project that integrates AI into healthcare assistance.
SYMPHONY involves the integration of Artificial Intelligence and Big Data into healthcare assistance, focused on disease management. It aims to make the care process more efficient for healthcare professionals by integrating and ensuring interoperability among all relevant applications throughout the entire process.
AicrumIT in the Technical Direction of the RIS-INCOME Project, Supporting the Mining Sector in the Transformation of the European Economy
AicrumIT leads the technical management of the RIS-INCOME project, which aims to help mining companies comply with new European sustainability regulations as part of the transformation of the European economy.
HealthChain: AicrumIT co-creates ESFERA alongside SMS and Evidenze.
AicrumIT co-creates ESFERA in collaboration with the Servicio Murciano de Salud and Evidenze Health’s Spain, as part of the HealthChain project funded by the European Union. ESFERA is a digital solution designed to improve disease prevention and enhance patient self-management.
The kick-off of the RIS-INCOME project, 21st-22nd February, Spain
Last week 9 international project partners participated at the kick-off meeting in Madrid (Spain), between 21-22 February, to start the »Environment Social Governance Monitoring« project (RIS-INCOME).
The two-day meeting, organised by the lead partner Gomez Pardo Foundation at their premises, provided project partners the opportunity the meet in person.
Welcome to the RIS-INCOME project!
We are excited to announce that in January we started with the international project entitled »Environment Social Governance Monitoring« with the acronym RIS-INCOME project.
Mining companies are required to follow and report on the environmental, social and governance (ESG) criteria and normative compliance, according to European standards applied to the mining sector.
Trade mission 2023
From June 25th to June 30th, 2023, our company participated in a direct business mission to Colombia and Chile, aimed at showcasing our products and expanding our market presence in these countries.
This commercial mission was organized by the Official Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Services, and Navigation of Murcia, and co-financed by INFO (Institute of Development of the Region of Murcia) and the European Union through the FEDER funds (European Regional Development Fund).
HealthChain Co-Creation Approach
Exciting News! We’re on the verge of a groundbreaking milestone in healthcare technology. Through a strategic co-creation approach, we’re taking the next big step towards the improvement of the available tools to healthcare professionals.
Team lunch: strengthening bonds
In a gesture aimed at strengthening the bonds between the AICRUM IT team, last March 31st we held a team lunch that was attended by all…
As previously announced, AICRUM IT was selected as an SME to provide solutions within the framework of the inDemand-RCT project.
After several months of participation in the project (coordinated by INFO…
Healthchain General Assembly Meeting
The Second General Assembly of HealthChain, held on May 31 and June 1, 2023, in Rijeka, Croatia, brought together partners from healthcare organizations, companies…
Our participation in the project has come to an end but it has been an incredible and enriching experience to have had the opportunity to participate in this innovative project…
2022 Trade mission
Last year 2022, AICRUM IT participated in a Trade Mission in the Southern Cone in order to market some of the products that we have developed in AICRUM IT. The mission, co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER)…
Healthchain Meeting Murcia
On January 23rd and 24th, the official kick-off meeting of the HealthChain project took place in Murcia. The event marked an important milestone on the path towards…
Participation in the Healthchain Project
We will collaborate in creating solutions that drive the transformation of healthcare organizations, ensuring efficient services, comfort…
ZDMP: dynaVR project results
As we previously published, we are part of the Zero Defect Manufacturing Platform (ZDMP) project second sub-call, funded by the European Commission with our solution, dynaVR which aims at providing a IIoT cloud-based data storage, processing and analysis application for process vibrations and a Virtual Reality (VR) visualization application to better understand…
SENIOR-FIT, our bet for PHArA-ON
AICRUM IT is proud to announce our participation in the Pharaon Project, within the H2020 framework, with our solution SENIOR-FIT. The main objective is to stimulate senior citizens to engage in a more healthy lifestyle through physical activities with the supervision of a personal coach. This will be achieved through…
We are solvers in the inDemand-RCT project
We are pleased to announce that AICRUM IT has been selected as Solvers within the inDemand-RCT framework, a project coordinated by INFO Region of Murcia, to be carried out between May and November of this year. We have proposed a solution for the challenge EVER-TREND where the objective is to provide innovation…
SME4SMARCITIES project concluded in Malaga
From May 17 to 20 we were present in Malaga, in the last trade mission of the SME4SMARTCITIES,project sharing experiences and knowledge, both with the rest of the companies attending, as well as with the invited institutions and associations. We would like to thank BIC Euronova and CEEIM for the…
TICBioMed reports on the Patient’s Circle of Health
The TICBioMed platform has highlighted the collaboration between AICRUM IT and Grupo Pulso for the Servicio Murciano de Salud. The project to be developed has been the Patient Health Circle, a tool that arose from the need to balance health management between professionals and patients. AICRUM IT has been in…
The objective of the dynaTWIN project is to provide the manufacturing market, particularly the metallurgical industry, with an innovative technology that helps to better understand the effects of vibrations in the milling of complex parts, detect possible machine failures, and make the right decisions to reduce vibrations, thus offering high-quality,…
Obtaining grant to EIBTs
From AICRUM IT we are happy to announce that we have been one of the companies selected to obtain one of the grants for Innovative Companies and / or Technological Base (EIBTs) by the Instituto de Fomento de la Región de Murcia (INFO) in co-financing with the European Regional Development…
We are Murcia Industry 4.0 Facilitators
Industry 4.0 refers to an industrial revolution driven by digital transformation and the introduction of digital technology in industry in general. From the Regional Ministry of Employment, Universities, Enterprise and Environment of the Autonomous Community of the Region of Murcia launches the MurciaIndustria 4.0 Strategy. The MurciaIndustria 4.0 strategy aims…
We attend Genova with the SME4SMARTCITIES project
From the 5th to the 7th of April, AICRUM IT is present in the trade mission that is taking place in the Italian city of Genoa as part of the activities organised for the SME4SMARTCITIES project. In the framework of co-creation and assistance to SMEs attending this mission, meetings, presentations…
AICRUMIT wins an award at the Procura+ Awards in collaboration with MHS
On November 23rd AICRUMIT received the “Outstanding Procurement in ICT” award at the Procura+ Awards, thanks to the collaboration with the Murcia Health Service, within the framework of the European project InDemand, to improve communication between doctors and epilepsy patients, reaching a 50% increase in patient satisfaction and an improvement…
We have been nominated to participate in the Industry Start-up Forum in Barcelona.
We are proud and happy to announce that from INFO – Instituto de Fomento de la Región de Murcia, we have been nominated to participate in the Industry Start-Up Forum, which will be held within the Advanced Industries event, the largest international forum in Spain dedicated to 4.0 Industry, to…
SME4SMARTCITIES – Mediterranean SME working together to make cities smarter, an EU-funded project under the ENI CBC MED Programme, has pre-selected AICRUM IT as one of the 49 european SMEs to provide ICT innovative and technological solutions to tackle the urban challenges identified in cities in Mediterranean territories participating in…
ZDMP: dynaVR project
The Zero Defect Manufacturing Platform (ZDMP) project funded by the European Commission has awarded a grant to AICRUM for the development of dynaVR, an innovative solution that aims at providing a IIoT cloud-based data storage, processing and analysis application for process vibrations and a Virtual Reality (VR) visualization application to…
Aicrum IT receives the Innovative SME seal
This acknowledgement, granted by the Ministry of Science and Innovation, confirms the groundbreaking nature of this company, which has made a firm and constant effort in its R&D&I policy and represents, to a large extent, a reward for the work carried out at Aicrum IT. The recognition is motivated by…
We create customized solutions through innovation and experience.
Web, Mobile, Backend
/Web Applications /Mobile Applications /Backend Services /Cloud Services
Artificial Intelligence
/Decision Support /Big Data /Machine Learning /Process Automation /Predictive Maintenance
Immersive Technologies
/Augmented Reality /Virtual Reality /Mixed Reality
Internet of Things
/Edge Computing /Wearables /Smart Cards