Team lunch: strengthening bonds

In a gesture aimed at strengthening the bonds between the AICRUM IT team, last March 31st we held a team lunch that was attended by all…


As previously announced, AICRUM IT was selected as an SME to provide solutions within the framework of the inDemand-RCT project.

After several months of participation in the project (coordinated by INFO…


Our participation in the project has come to an end but it has been an incredible and enriching experience to have had the opportunity to participate in this innovative project…

2022 Trade mission

Last year 2022, AICRUM IT participated in a Trade Mission in the Southern Cone in order to market some of the products that we have developed in AICRUM IT. The mission, co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER)…

ZDMP: dynaVR project results

As we previously published, we are part of the Zero Defect Manufacturing Platform (ZDMP) project second sub-call, funded by the European Commission with our…

SENIOR-FIT, our bet for PHArA-ON

AICRUM IT is proud to announce our participation in the Pharaon Project, within the H2020 framework, with our solution SENIOR-FIT. The main objective…


In November 2021 we were awarded a EUROSTARS project grant by the CDTI. This program supports small and medium-sized research-based companies that develop…

Obtaining grant to EIBTs

From AICRUM IT we are happy to announce that we have been one of the companies selected to obtain one of the grants…

We are Murcia Industry 4.0 Facilitators

Industry 4.0 refers to an industrial revolution driven by digital transformation and the introduction of digital technology in industry in general. From the…


SME4SMARTCITIES – Mediterranean SME working together to make cities smarter, an EU-funded project under the ENI CBC MED Programme, has pre-selected AICRUM IT…

ZDMP: dynaVR project

The Zero Defect Manufacturing Platform (ZDMP) project funded by the European Commission has awarded a grant to AICRUM for the development of dynaVR,…



Web, móvil, backend

Aplicaciones Web

Aplicaciones móviles

Servicios backend

Servicios en la nube


Tecnologías inmersivas

Realidad Aumentada

Realidad Virtual

Realidad Mixta


Inteligencia artificial

Ayuda en la toma de decisiones

Big Data

Aprendizaje Automático

Automatización de procesos

Mantenimiento predictivo


Internet de las cosas

Edge computing


Tarjetas Inteligentes