As we previously published, we are part of the Zero Defect Manufacturing Platform (ZDMP) project second sub-call, funded by the European Commission with our solution, dynaVR which aims at providing a IIoT cloud-based data storage, processing and analysis application for process vibrations and a Virtual Reality (VR) visualization application to better understand the effects of vibrations, anticipate potential machinery malfunctions and take the preventive decisions to deliver Zero-Defect quality products, significantly increasing product quality and lowering costs at the production plant.

We are happy to announce that the tests realized by our industrial partner have been reported very successful results in all the defined requirements. Also, an improvement of at least a 5% in the proposed values has been achieved, even getting a ramp-up machine time over a 10% of the expected value.

These results help to set dynaVR’s path to become a key technological component to ensure Zero-Defect process and product quality will strengthen the position of AICRUM as a key provider of high-tech solutions in the Manufacturing sector.

This project has received cascading funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 825631.

