HealthChain Project Meeting in Murcia for the Digital Transformation of Healthcare
On January 23rd and 24th, the official launch meeting of the HealthChain project took place in Murcia. This event marked an important milestone in the journey towards the digital transformation of healthcare organizations, both in the region and beyond. Several key partners, including Aicrum IT, Ticbiomed, Servicio Murciano de Salud, Pulso Ediciones SLU, Centro Hospitalar Universitário de Coimbra, Promptly Health, Slaven Innovation Hub, Kirurški sanatorij Rozna dolina, Gospodar Zdravja, Parsek Sustainable Solutions GIU, Klinicki Bolnicki Center Rijeka, RiniGARD VERSO, Oost NL, Rijnstate, and Philips, came together to kick off this ambitious project.
The launch meeting was just the first step in this exciting journey toward digital transformation in healthcare. With the collaboration of all the partners and a focus on improving patient care, the HealthChain project promises to bring significant advances in the way healthcare organizations operate and serve the community.